Starting Yoga

Starting Yoga at Balance

When you are starting Yoga at Balance you don’t need to buy expensive Yoga gear or even a Yoga mat. Shorts, track pants or leggings and a t-shirt will do fine… also make sure to bring some water with you.

Our Yoga beginner’s class is on Wednesdays at 6.30pm. We also have a more advanced Yoga classes on Tuesday at 7am and on Saturdays at 9.30am.

A drop-in class is 18 euro. If you enjoy your first class you can buy an 8 class pass. It costs 90 euro and it’s valid for 8 weeks.

Come 10 minutes early to register for your first class with us.

If you’d like more information, please contact us or you can also email

For more info on Yoga, please have a look at our Yoga page.